1 in 7.5 Million


Lowell Thomas Magic Dials 1
Lowell Thomas

There are 30 million travel blogs on the internet. This year, four of them were awarded a Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Award. CaliforniaFallColor.com was one of the four.

Lowell Thomas 2022 Png

The Lowell Thomas Awards are the highest honors in travel writing. They are presented annually by the Society of American Travel Writers Foundation which opens the competition to travel journalists from around the world.

Works in more than two dozen categories, including print, digital, audio, video and photography are honored.

Entries are judged by an accredited U.S. university,  and winners are selected from among hundreds of submissions and announced at SATW’s annual  convention, held this past month in Bogota, Columbia.

The awards are named for Lowell Thomas, an acclaimed journalist, prolific author, and modern-day world explorer who achieved numerous “firsts” during five decades in travel journalism. Thomas is primarily known as a broadcast journalist, but his career touched nearly all disciplines. His dedicated spirit of adventure and discovery epitomizes that of the inquiring travel journalist.

Recognition of CaliforniaFallColor.com as one of the world’s best travel blogs is an honor shared by all who contribute reports and photographs to this website. To all those who have helped make CaliforniaFallColor.com exceptional, thank you.

Red Leaf


California Fall Color

CaliforniaFallColor.com is a seasonal news site that reports on autumn’s show throughout California. The site is written, edited and published by Lara Kaylor, a travel and outdoor journalist based in Mammoth Lakes, Calif.

6 thoughts on “1 in 7.5 Million”

  1. Congratulations John! You do a great job on this site. I love it. Every year I follow this site and sometimes send you a bit of content as well. It helps folks discover all the great stuff that happens each fall in California. Thank you and congratulations!

  2. Congratulations, John! CaliforniaFallColor is my go-to every autumn and I can’t imagine planning a photo trip to the eastern sierras without it. Love the photos and the insights you provide. Thanks so much.


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