
Shine On

Almost Full Harvest Moon, Sacramento Valley (9/28/23) John Poimiroo

Friday morning’s Full Corn Moon will be the fourth and final supermoon of 2023.

Because a supermoon’s orbit is flatter than normal, the moon is closer to Earth and appears larger. This phenomenon is exaggerated by the atmosphere, as it rises and sets.

Once in a blue moon, it is full twice in a month, ergo the expression.

CLICK HERE to read how to photograph the Harvest Moon on September 29 (the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox).  The above image was not taken using any of those techniques, but was captured as an abstraction of what will be seen. The following two shots were taken using the techniques.

Full Harvest Moon (9/28/23) John Poimiroo
Full Harvest Moon at Dawn (9/29/23) John Poimiroo