
Going, Going …

Fungi, Sue-Meg State Park (11/15/22) Michelle Pontoni

Peaking fungi are all that’s left of fall color at Sue-meg State Park in Humboldt County. Regardless, color spotter Michelle Pontoni wrote, “This is the perfect time to enjoy the best of California’s north coast.

She says that in early December Humboldt County days are often cloudless, mild and the landscape deserted, making the last days of autumn an ideal time to visit. We recommend watching weather forecasts closely and picking an open window of clear weather along the north coast for this experience.

If you’re unfamiliar with the state park, Sue-meg is the new/old name of what used to be Patrick Point SP. The local Yurok people had always called the location that, but the park got named Patrick Point – the local name – when it was brought into the state park system in the 1930s. 

A Yurok village was recreated there in the 1990s and named “Sumêg” to honor the ancient name associated with the site. Recent efforts to honor traditional names included returning Sue-meg as the description to this location.

Sue-meg SP is a few miles north of Trinidad and south of Prairie Creek Redwoods SP and Redwoods NP, so there’s lots to see in the area, if not much fall color, which is now … gone.

  • Sue-meg SP, Trinidad (174′) – Past Peak, You Missed It.
Gone, Sue-meg SP, Trinidad (11/15/22) Michelle Pontoni