If You Know Where To Look

Feuille-morte, LA County Arboretum, Arcadia (11/30/22) Frank McDonough

It’s the first day of December. Rain is pelting the street and a hushed roar occasionally rushes by the house as an unseen wind swirls past. If any day, this Autumn, feels like winter, it is today.

Yet, as I read The New York Times this morning, the headline declares, “California Has Brilliant Color … If You Know Where To Look.”

I do. It’s found in low canyons near streams where California sycamore, Frémont cottonwood and California black walnut glow in chestnut, gold and saffron displays.

It’s found in neighborhoods, city parks and urban forests where the limbs of Liquidambar, Bradford pear, and Gingko biloba release their feuille-morte to flutter down, carpeting the landscape with vermillion, scarlet and gamboge.

Fall color is still here, despite the storm, if you know where to look.

To read The Times’ article, CLICK HERE.