
Happy Halloween

Sugar maple, Thompson Ranch, La Porte Rd, Quincy (10/31/22) Jeff Luke Titcomb

Jeff Luke Titcomb went trick or treating today and sends these treats from Plumas County.

There’s lots of orange and black showing on All Hallows’ Eve in and around Quincy. Increasingly, Black oak are wearing dark orange leaves suspended from their coal-black branches. The Thompson sugar maple on La Porte Rd is still clothed in bright orange. Why, even the dogwood are dressed in their rosiest costumes. No doubt, Indian rhubarb (Darmera) remain the harlequins of Plumas County’s fall foliage.

There’s still time to enjoy the party. Just, GO NOW!

Black oak, Plumas County (10/31/22) Jeff Luke Titcomb
  • Plumas County (3,342′) – PEAK (75-100%) GO NOW!