
More Livermore Sycamore

California sycamore, Sycamore Grove Park, Livermore (11/24/18) Marc Crumpler

Who said, “More is Less”?

That certainly isn’t true when more Livermore sycamores appear in a fall color submission.

Marc Crumpler shares these colorful and distorted Western sycamore (Platanus racemosa) peaking at Sycamore Grove Park in Livermore.

California sycamore are a wonderfully sculptural tree. D.C. Peattie (Eva Begley writes in Plants of Northern California) described them in Natural History of Western Trees as spreading along the ground with branches pointing upward, “like a horse scratching his back on the ground and kicking up his legs,”

Unlike American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) and London Plane that tend to carry chartreuse-colored leaves that mottle to buff, California sycamore are bright orange, sometimes red or yellow. Marc’s photographs show strong examples of California sycamore at peak. 

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