Mono County color spotter Alicia Vennos reports that colors are “starting to brighten the landscape with gold, russet, orange and red, particularly in the Rock Creek Canyon, 20 minutes south of Mammoth Lakes.

15 – 30% – Rock Creek – Color spotter Donna Mercer, says about 20% of the trees along Rock Creek Road have turned to varying hues of gold, yellow, orange, with some red. If you’re heading there and have a sweet tooth, Pie in the Sky Café remains open daily through October 13. They’re world-famous for fresh, fruit, home-baked pies. The Café is located at Rock Creek Lake Resort near the top of Rock Creek Road (exit US 395 at Tom’s Place) – drop by and get your slice any time from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
0 – 15% – June Lake Loop – Aspen are turning lime green and yellow.

On Sat., Oct., 5, the community of June Lake plans its first June Lake Autumn Beer Festival. Festivities include a craft beer garden, live music by the Kalifornia Krauts, Eastern Sierra Master Chili Cook-off, pie-baking and photography Contests, food, crafts, games, raffles and more autumn fun. It all happens at the June Lake Community Center at Gull Lake Park from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and is sponsored by the June Lake Loop Chamber of Commerce. For more info, visit JuneLakeLoop.org or call 213-364-3989. Cost: $25 for 6 beer tastes, one meal, and various discounts from the vendors.
15 – 30% – Lee Vining, Lundy, Virginia Lakes and Twin Lakes Canyons – It’s still early for color up the canyons that stem from US 395 in northern Mono County. Though, aspen are showing signs of approaching brilliance.
0 – 15% – Walker/Coleville/Topaz – If barbecue is your fancy, the annual Deer Hunter’s Deep Pit Family BBQ in Walker/Coleville also occurs on Sat., Oct. 5. Just by attending, you’ll be welcomed as a member of these friendly communities. It begins at 5 p.m. at the Walker Community Bldg., just off U.S. 395. Be prepared to taste fabulous BBQ, prepared by the Lion’s Club using a secret recipe, plus dessert and all the trimmings. Dinner is $12 for adults, $5 for children 12 and younger. There’s a raffle, too, benefiting the Lions Club which does a lot of good work in these isolated communities. CLICK HERE for more info.
Free map/guides to Eastern Sierra Fall Color are available by calling 800-845-7922 or online at www.MonoCounty.org/fall-color.
Love this site. Anticipating some great color this fall.
Looking through past archives, it looks like San Diego and Los Angeles have been under-represented. Lots of black oaks around Julian, Palomar, and Cuyamaca. Some dogwood, box elder, and other deciduous vine plants in Palomar. Wild grape vine, sycamore, cottonwoods, and poison oak in the lowlands. Same with LA, plus a lot of bigleaf maples in the canyons. Certainly not Eastern Sierras, but nothing to sneeze at.
Do you go by reader submissions? If so, I can throw out some heads ups for LA, OC, and SD, as I should be out quite a bit this fall.
We would love to see more reports from Southern California (Julian, Palomar, Cuyamaca). Yes, submissions are by readers, though also by locals and visitors bureaus. As you can see, we like factual reports with analysis of the % of color change. They can be emailed directly to editor@californiafallcolor.com. High Res photos are always appreciated and credit given.