A Pabinquit Perspective

Eastern Sierra, Fall Color Report

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Surveyor’s Meadow (9/17/24) Dave Pabinquit

Dave Pabinquit likes to capture fall colors from a unique perspective – the air.

This week Dave visited Bishop Creek Canyon, as well as Rock Creek Canyon and McGee Creek.

Dave echoed that colors are starting to pop at the highest elevations of 9,000′ plus. In Bishop, he captured photos of Surveyor’s Meadow just before South Lake and added that colors are starting to emerge at Sabrina and North Lake as well.

Please note that areas such as North Lake have very limited parking and the road has some water damage. In areas such as these, it is extremely important to recreate responsibly. Please be respectful to locals who live nearby, please do not create your own parking spaces, and please do not stop in the middle of the road to take your pictures. If an area is crowded, consider going somewhere else.

Dave added that aspens from Parcher’s Resort, the waterfall, on down to Jeffery 4 Pines Campground along the road to South Lake are solidly green, but felt, as we do here at CFC, that the cold snap this week will likely get the colors moving quickly.

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Just below Lake Sabrina (9/17/24) Dave Pabinquit

At Rock Creek, Dave drove all the way to Mosquito Flats trailhead past Rock Creek Lake. Past Rock Creek Lake up to Mosquito Flats he found a lot of the low growth and younger/sapling aspens appear to have gone from green foliage to black leaves due to the cold. There were patches of snow on the ground at Mosquito Flats. However, the low growth aspens in and about Rock Creek Lake are yellowing and appear to have begun their fall color journey. 

In terms of McGee Creek, Dave suspected within a couple of weeks the aspens there could be at peak and put on quite a show, equal to that of last year.   

Bishop Creek Canyon – 0-75% (Just Starting to Near Peak, depending on where you look)

Rock Creek Canyon – 10-50% (Patchy)

McGee Creek – 10-50% (Patchy)

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California Fall Color

CaliforniaFallColor.com is a seasonal news site that reports on autumn’s show throughout California. The site is written, edited and published by Lara Kaylor, a travel and outdoor journalist based in Mammoth Lakes, Calif.

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